Integration Details

Integration Details

Request Details

Macro Check Request (both GET, POST are possible)

Using HTTPS Service
Secondary domain and certificate file required, call using the address: https://(secondarydomain):8180/MBusterAPI/

Using HTTP Service
Call using the address: http://(targetserverip):8180/MBusterAPI/

Request Parameter Definition

Field NameDescription
groupNameMacro detection target (group) domain
clientIpClient IP
loginIdUser ID for login (if absent, client IP)
pageUrlURL where the API is called
userAgentDevice information of the caller

Response Results

Macro Check Request

The result of the macro detection is delivered as a String type flag.

Flag ValueDescription
0Normal usage possible
TMacro: Blocked
QCMacro: Captcha Verification
QFMacro: Browser Challenge
ECommunication Error (bypass needed)
FMacro Detection Failed (bypass needed)