Virtual waiting room(VWR)

VWR (Virtual Waiting Room)

Select a project from the project list at the top of the home screen to move to the Project Management screen. If you select Waiting Room from the left menu, you can view and manage the list of waiting rooms created.

However, the default waiting room cannot be deleted.

Waiting Room Initial Screen

By customizing each waiting room as desired and providing it to the end-user, you can prevent customer attrition and enhance the brand image.

VWR (Waiting Room) Creation and Modification

At the top of the waiting room list, press the + button to create a new template or the pencil icon to modify an existing waiting room.

Waiting Room Description

Waiting Room Description

  1. Title: The title of the waiting room shown to the customers.
  2. Content: The text of the waiting room that the customers will see.
  3. Image: Attach a logo, cover image, or background image (background image is only applicable dynamically) for the waiting room.
  4. Options: Decide whether to display the estimated waiting time, the number of people waiting behind you, and the option to cancel the wait.
  5. Preview: You can see the final screen of the waiting room that will be shown to customers.

Once the waiting room settings are complete, press the Save button to finalize the creation.

Waiting Room Use Examples

Dynamic Agent

Dynamic Agent

Static Agent

Static Agent

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